What clients have said about working with Brenda Kerr...

Thank you Brenda for providing me with the encouragement to keep going in my search for a new career. You have helped me to look for a career that would satisfy areas in my life that are very important to me, such as creativity, humour and social responsibility. I have been pleasantly surprised by your uncanny knack of finding information that I wanted but just couldn’t seem to find. Your knowledge and experience with numerous alternative methods for achieving health is another of your strengths that has been of great value to me. I also have to thank you for using your intuitiveness and how you encouraged me to use mine. The bottom line of all your support has really been and continues to be, that you have helped me to appreciate myself and my gifts and directed me to enjoy my life more fully. You truly are a Holistic Life Coach.
– Genoa B.

Brenda is a wonderfully compassionate and grounded person who is a real ‘master’ of researching to your specific needs and she will really get you moving with love and compassion!! Coaching is very different from therapy, but really great to get one focused and moving! I loved my sessions with Brenda.
– Joan M.

I just wanted to let you know the changes are already happening! I can’t believe it. I guess its right what’s meant to be will be and it happens easily with little effort. Since I spoke with you, I ended up at try outs for a team. Today I made the team, the coach liked me enough after the first try out he actually asked me if I would play with them! I feel like I’ve rekindled a lost love! This is just the beginning, I hope to find out about my job next week! I wouldn’t have done this had I not spoken to you! You truly have helped me already! Thank you!

Brenda is a great motivator. She is energetic, pleasant and obviously loves what she is doing. I have tried to come up with excuses to not follow the plan and she always has a reasonable option for me. As a busy mom, working full time, the motivation is important to keep me on track.
– Adriana Appel


Brenda, you are amazing. You walked me through my fears and all the associated feelings and helped me to give a fantastic speech to 40 realtors. I was only a little bit nervous and even then I used the EFT technique under the table and recited the verse in my head and I was able to get up there and give the best speech of my life. I went 25 minutes over, people were writing notes like crazy on the handout I provided, and everyone was actually interested in what I had to say. Thank you so much!

Suzanne M.

All is going well for me. I retired Dec 29th and just love it. I have been working part-time and I am engaged to be married this fall. I have lost 65lbs with Weight Watchers and I have been walking one hour per day. I feel great. You helped me a lot to move towards a more positive attitude and gave me that little kick in the butt that I needed. I learned through working with you to stay true to myself and not to languish in the negatives. Life is short and it is important to me to live the best one that I can. Life requires checking in from time to time and using resources such as yourself to “reach your potential”. It is a sign of strength.

H. B.

As an architectural designer with my own business for the past five years, I have challenges focusing on the critical business tasks necessary for success. Brenda has the very unique ability to find solutions to the blocks that hold me back from achieving my goals. Brenda is able to solve these issues very quickly with minimal effort. At times, it seems, she is able to read my mind with the manner in which she poses questions, and in the way she delves into my thought processes and past events. As a result, I’m better able to focus on the tasks that are most important to my business success and I’m able to more easily complete them.

Dana William Ball

Architectural Designer/General Contractor, Art Guy Design LLC

Thank you so much Brenda. You have helped me get focus and clarity on the action steps I need to face my challenges. I go away from each session with a renewed sense of purpose. I feel more empowered and more confident. As a result, I am now starting a new job in the area that I am suited for. You have truly helped me transition.

Margot L.

If you want someone who can help you find your purpose, get back on track, find motivation, do more than you think you are capable of doing – think of Brenda. She does it with love and compassion and goes beyond “the session”. She does way more to motive you, to kick you, to keep you going when you need it the most. She becomes someone you can fully trust and rely on. Someone who is always going to encourage you with new ideas and solutions. She has tools to help you look deep inside and do it from your heart. She is a true gem and I’m blessed to have her in my life!

Biljana V.